Charlie is one of Britain's best known and best loved garderners, specialising in water features. Having first come to the nation's attention on BBC1's incredibly popular Ground Force...
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Having lived in France, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina, Andrew is a polyglot with a passion for the bizarre and controversial. With his nonchalant and faux-naïve demeanour, he often finds himself hanging out with polemic figures, from ageing porn stars and cheaters to UFO enthusiasts and pro-life fanatics. While out of comfort zone, he endeavours to speak the language of his contributors, rather than rely on jump cuts and hidden translators to get to know them....
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Tommy got involved in Ground Force whilst he was doing private building work for the executive producer, she invited him for a screen test and the rest is history. Ground Force has gone from strength to strength including huge success in America....
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Jason Bradbury was the host of The Gadget Show US & The Gadget Show UK. He has worked as a TV presenter and producer on hundreds of shows in a career spanning almost twenty years. When it comes to gadgets, science and all things tech, Jason is a force of nature. His own inventions, which include the world's first working jet-powered hoverboard, have become legendary with viewers of The Gadget Show. He is also a private...
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